Lake Superior
Railroad Museum

Behind the Scenes: The Model Train Building Peek into secret spaces

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Lake Superior Railroad Museum

Behind the Scenes: The Model Train Building

Peek into secret spaces

Brought to you by:  Traveling Scientist, Archives Volunteer 

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Photo description: A behind the scenes look at the workshop. The image has miniature railway workers in front of the Duluth, Missabe & Northern train car with several trains against the Railway Express Agency backdrop.

What are we exploring today?

If you’re visiting the museum, the first thing one notices is the model trains at the front. Designed for all ages and sizes, it offers a tiny window into how trains go through different landscapes. You can press the buttons and see how trains run through the mines, the ore docks, the countryside, and the downtown area.

What’s behind secret door number 1?

On Wednesdays, volunteers from the Lake Superior Transportation Club come through in true spirit and show up to grease the little wheels, clean the tracks and paint the tiny figures. It’s a warm place and you can see the labor of love that goes into each train. I got to meet Rick and Lloyd who showed me around the space and I got to be a kid again for a few minutes. I love the attention to detail and the camaraderie that exists there.

How can you help?

Volunteers come in on Wednesdays at 10 am, if you would like to learn how to fix the tiny model trains, make little trees, repair and clean miniature rail lines. Ask the volunteers how you can join in.

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