Lake Superior
Railroad Museum

Good Neighbors

North Shore Scenic Railroad has good neighbors out in the Lakeside area of Duluth.  Each year the Gagne/Lyytinen family grab their garbage bags, wagon and kids and pick up trash along the railroad tracks.  This is their Earth Day tradition and have really made it family friendly.  They are not only instilling these wonderful qualities in their children, but they are doing us a true service.  This year friends of theirs that  were riding bike along the lake walk also joined in on the clean up.


We appreciate their help in making the tracks look better not only for the neighborhood of Lakeside but all of our guests that ride our trains along the tracks. So we would like to extend a very special thank you to our good neighbors Jess, Henry, Daphne and Per for taking the time to clean up along the tracks.

If anyone ever has an interest in cleaning up the tracks, please call Ken Buehler at 218-733-7590, the tracks are private property and everyone’s safety is our number one priority.

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