Lake Superior
Railroad Museum

The LSRM Youth

Encouraging youth participation in age appropriate volunteering throughout the Lake Superior Railroad Museum in the heart of Downtown Duluth.

Our volunteers participate in a variety of different activities helping the museum thrive.

Volunteers can be seen:

  • Completing organizational tasks – helping the museum prepare for the future.
  • Creating small exhibits – helping to provide a new aspect to the Lake Superior Railroad Museum.
  • Leading Craft Workshops – enhancing our visitors’ experience.
  • Participating in community outreach –  inviting new faces to our museum.
  • Cleaning exhibits – maintaining our museum’s pristine condition.
  • And much more!


Not only do our volunteers participate in a variety of volunteer activities, they also have the opportunity to participate in fun and engaging opportunities such as kicking back in the Zelda theater and enjoying a movie with the rest of the club, or going for a train ride on the North Shore Scenic Railroad.



Signup to join the Youth Program by completing the application found here.

For more info Contact:



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